Chris Beney receives Ramblers commendation
Since he is such a modest man, it has only just come to our attention that our very own Chris Beney has received a Ramblers Volunteer Commendationafter a nomination last year.
This commendation “recognises the critical difference Chrishas made through the time, knowledge and skills he has given to the Ramblers and the huge impact they have had.”
The nomination said “Chris Beney has been active for decades in protecting & preserving access to the countryside. He has fulfilled this role in the Ramblers and other affiliated organisations. He has submitted many applications for DMMOs to extend the Rights of Way network. He has successfully represented Ramblers’ interests at official inquiries into both public path and definitive map modification orders, His extensive legal knowledge is recognisedby both Rambler’s & Highways officials. For many years he has served as chairman of the British Standard working party on structures (gaps, gates andstiles) on rights of way. He introduced the “least restrictive option” to the standard and the idea that obstructions like gaps, gates and stiles should only be there for as long as they are actually needed. This was pioneering work inthe development of the standard. He produced and published guidance material on path issues for the benefit of all walkers. He has always been willing to sharethis knowledge to help both new and experiences Footpath Secretaries to extend their own knowledge, and gain experience in dealing with legal issues arising in their work. He is a very active member of the Area Council and for the last ten years he has been a regular contributor to Stile magazine which is sent to all members in the Hertfordshire & North Middlesex Area”
BADFA would like to join the Ramblers in congratulating Chris on this achievement and thank him for all the work he has done and continues to do.