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"It is the great beauty of the Law that it can dispute any human statement, made under any circumstance..."
The Woman in White, Wilkie Collins who had trained as a lawyer.
Contents (Note: the law here refers to England and Wales only)
1 Ownership of Paths Surface, 'Spits' & Toilets by Chris Beney
2 'Creation' and 'Creation' Making public paths public by Phil Wadey
3 Widths How wide is a path? by Chris Beney
4 Path structures: Gap Gate and Stile, which has some legal content. by Chris Beney
5 Signposts
6 Maintenance of structures, whose job?
7 Link to 'Hoogstraten' appeal court judgment Nov 2002
8 The use of Common Law for Abatement
9 Link to Planning Inspectorate
10 The CROW Act
11 'Significantly interferes' The Kidner case